• Nationwide Courier Delivery To Your Door

    ✅ Support nationwide delivery

    ✅ Shipping rate is auto-calculated at checkout based on size/weight plus rural/urban factors etc.

    ❌ No chilled, frozen and fresh produces, only can ship shelf-stable items.

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Common questions

How does Go Potatoes delivery and pickup work?

Go Potatoes makes shopping at Costco and other supermarkets easy. When you order from our online store, we'll pair you with a personal shopper who's trained to shop on your behalf. Depending on how you want your order delivered, we (or our courier partner) will bring it to your doorstep or a designated pickup point.

How much does Go Potatoes cost?

In addition to the product cost charged by the vender, we charge two fees: a service fee and a delivery/pickup fee.

  • The service fee covers the cost of our personal shoppers as well as the overheads for running the GO Potatoes platform. All estimated prices listed on our website here are already include the product cost and our service fee.
  • The delivery/pickup fee covers the transportation cost incurred for delivering your goods to your door or the pickup point. You can find out the delivery cost when proceeding your order to the checkout before payment.

If you choose to pay by credit card, please note that our payment processor charges us a 2.7% credit card processing fee which will add it to your bill. To avoid this fee, you can choose the bank transfer option at checkout.

Why my final bill is different to my original order?

There could be several reasons for this discrepancy, such as:

  • For items that are charged by the vendor based on their actual weight/volume, your final charge is based on the actual weight/volume for the product, which may cause a discrepancy.
  • If you made any changes to your original order, such as adding or removing items, this could have affected the final bill.
  • If items are out of stock, and you chose not to take a substitute, this could result in a discrepancy.
  • If the price for the ordered item increases by the vendor, and you chose not to take it with the increased price, this could also result in a discrepancy.

How to update or cancel my order?

You can update or cancel your order as long as your shopper hasn’t started shopping. Once an order has been picked up by your personal shopper, we won't be able to update or cancel it.

What happens if something is out of stock for my order?

When an item you want is out-of-stock at the store, your shopper will follow your replacement preferences, You can set item and delivery instructions in advance, and tell the shopper to:

  • Find Best Match: By default, your shopper will use their best judgement to pick a replacement for your item with similar quality and price point if possible.
  • Don’t Replace: For items you’d rather not replace, choose “Don’t replace” to get a refund if the item is out of stock.

You can update or cancel your order as long as your shopper hasn’t started shopping. Once an order has been picked up by your personal shopper, we won't be able to update or cancel it.

We reserve the right to cancel any orders if a majority of the items in the order cannot be fulfilled due to stock issues or purchase quantity limits imposed by the vendor.